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Product details
File Size: 742 KB
Print Length: 180 pages
Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1420933426
Publisher: Digireads.com (December 14, 2009)
Publication Date: December 14, 2009
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
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MONERGISTIC VS. SYNERGISTIC DOCTRINE:1. MONERGISTIC / SYNERGISTIC = in 1524; Erasmus published his “Diatribe on Free Willâ€; which posited the notion of man’s “free-will†working together with God’s grace to reach salvation. "SYNERGISTIC: SYN = “together with†& ERGON = “workâ€. Luther responded in 1525 with “Bondage of the Willâ€; which posited the notion of “Monergistic doctrineâ€. MONO = “one-alone†ERGON = “work. God alone secures salvation for the elect.2. SCRIPTURE-TESTIMONY-CONSCIENCE = Christian Doctrine; for Luther; was founded on Scripture; Apostolic Testimony (especially JOHN & PAUL) ; and sound “Conscienceâ€3. THE PROBLEM OF “VEILED-HEART†= in order to hear the gospel in a saving-way; man must first have his heart prepared; by bringing it back to life; because man is “dead-in-sinâ€. This means becoming “BORN AGAINâ€. This step must precede “Justificationâ€; then “Spiritual-Blindness†is removed and man can see and hear the Gospel4. THE TRUE CHURCH: therefore; is the Body-of-the-Elect†& not the “Kingdom-of-the-Popeâ€. This True Church is “hiddenâ€; yet preserved by Christ.5. PELEGIAN HERESY = Luther considered Erasmus’ manuscript to be a remaining fragment of “Pelegian Heresy from 412 AD.6. END OF ARGUMENT = actually the argument ends on page 95; the remaining pages are given to testimony by the Apostle Paul and John-the-Beloved7. FREE WILL = Luther concluded that man has free-will “Downward-toward-Finitude†but not “Upward-toward-Godâ€THERE IS NO BETTER BOOK ON THE REFORMATION: ENJOY-STUDY-ENJOY
The book arrived in great condition. It is a great book and it delves into an important question. "Do we have free will?" Particularly, it addresses whether we can choose to follow God. Luther's position is that we can't and that we are in bondage to sin and to the devil, unless or until God intervenes and sets us free from that bondage to Satan. It is God's prerogative and His choice - it is not even something that we can choose. The book addresses and refutes another book written to ascribe "free will" to mankind. Luther says, "No, we, our wills, are in bondage."
I was looking forward to reading this book on a long flight. I felt as if I were going blind attempting to read the 6 font this 180 page book. I bring up the page numbers only because this could should be 250+ with normal spacing and realistic font. Sadly, I have to go with the kindle version of the book.
I love Martin Luther. I love his sense of humor, his exhaustive, and to the point, explanations. How he untangles the verbiage of Erasmus and goes straight to the core of the issue was wonderful. My review of The Bondage of the Will is too inadequate. There are much better reviews. It is, just for me, that I loved his words, his explanations and his wonderful sense of humor. Along the way, I learned so much. Thank you, Martin.
I've read both the 1823 Henry Cole translation of Bondage of the Will, as well as the modern J.I. Packer translation. I recommend the J.I. Packer translation. The 1823 version still uses old vernacular and most of the sentences are very long, complex sentences, that make easy reading difficult. It's in 1823-talk. The J.I. Packer translation, while still being a dynamic equivalent of the original, is much easier to read. Think of it like this - the Henry Cole version is the King James Version of Bondage, and the J.I. Packer version is the NASB version of Bondage.
The book itself is, of course, a classic, with Luther absolutely dismantling Erasmus' view of free will at every turn using Biblical refutation, logical examples, and often crude personal attacks. Luther's main argument- that human will is bound and captive to sin and that we are unable to experience salvation apart from God's grace made manifest in the death of Jesus on the cross- is dead on. Even as a Wesleyan/Arminian thinker, I found Luther's view compelling, though I believe what Luther argues here extremely compelling. More to the point, the essential debate underneath between Luther and Erasmus is still with us, albeit with some twists, today.The personal attacks on Erasmus are foreign to modern academic theological argumentation, but those who engage in blogging or Facebook groups will completely "get" the spirit behind it.In short, this is a must-read.
The book translated by J. I. Packer and O. R. Johnston is an excellent book worth 5 stars. But why das Amazon advertise a Kindle and an Audio version of the book and then provide the book with a translation by Henry Cole? (See https://www.amazon.com/dp/0800753429/ref=cm_cr_ryp_prd_ttl_sol_0)
A must-have, classic piece of Biblical literature composed by one of the prominent founders of the Reformation that reveals truth in the word of God about man's nature and sin-bound will, hopeless without the divine intervention of God's hand to work and to will in those chosen for salvation.
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