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Product details
File Size: 14886 KB
Print Length: 378 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: O'Reilly Media; 3 edition (March 27, 2018)
Publication Date: March 27, 2018
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#191,548 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
I borrowed this book from the library and couldn't renew it because someone put a hold on it. I've read through about half and love the content. The only typo I've discovered so far in the code is when you create a repo variable to hold a github URL for the swift package manager—the url needs to be wrapped in quotation marks. I noticed the mistake as a I was typing, so I didn't waste any time.I love the good coding principles and the content on unit testing (something most books avoid).I do not like the Kindle app for Mac OS. The page navigation is either laggy or skippy—I haven't decided yet, but it doesn't seem to do what I want it to do. I wish I had spent the $15 more to get it for iBooks.
I can't *stand* a book like this where I have to figure out on my own why the EXAMPLES DON'T WORK!!Page 104: swift buildERROR: "targets must precede dependencies"OK, I fixed it. I defied the book and put targets before dependenciesERROR: "type Target has no member 'target'"OK I give up. I need a book that will actually teach me how to do this.Now I have to go figure out WHY - ON MY OWN.I WANT MY MONEY BACK!!!
Swift and IOS programming - Intermediate knowledge level suggested. To truly appreciate this book you need to have some foundation in Swift and IOS programming. The 2nd edition was one of the first books I purchased as a beginner and I purchased this recently. New example projects in this version makes it a good companion book to the previous edition. I learned some basics with other tutorials first and then moved on to this series. It's a must have on the bookshelf.
Maybe not the best title, this is more of a survey of swift. The first section is basically a watered down version of Swift documentation with similar (if not the same) examples. The good thing about it is you can get a quick overview of the language without the extra detail. But eventually, you have to read Swift documentation.Where this book excels is the example Selfiegram app. The design is decent, the code is excellent, and you get a great tour of various frameworks. The focus is on how to leverage what can be leverage which lifts the burden of feeling like you have to develop everything. I got a lot of benefit walking through the demonstration, getting some code under my fingers. I can also say that the code works in this book which is a great bonus because, sadly enough, that is the exception rather than the rule.Lastly, the writing style is clear and light. The authors do a great job of walking through the code and scattering tidbits of useful knowledge along the way. That said, this is not really a book to learn swift. It is a great introduction once you know a bit but not a lot. When you really want to learn swift, you will need to supplement, but thinking one book can do it all is ridiculous in my mind. I gave it 5 stars because it fills a need and does so in an excellent way.